DNS Solution provides industrial ancillary products. Our products are highly personalized to suit the needs of individual businesses. Please introduce for you to refer to the buying process on website dnssolution.vn
View product catalog –> refer to product information–> Contact a consultant –> Experts propose suitable solutions for requirements (step 1) –> Send back to customers for review:
- If the customer does not agree the solution –> go back to step 1
- If the customer agrees the solution –> Submit a detailed quote (step 2)
- If the customer does not agree to the price of the product–> renegotiate –> go back to step 2
- If the customer agrees with the price of the product –> Agree on payment method–> Agree on the method of product delivery –> Sign a contract –> Notice of delivery time (expected) –> Customers pay under the signed contract.
Products provided by DNS Solution always ensure the following factors:
Genuine goods are imported officially from the manufacturer.
Always fully meeting safety and quality standards for each type of product portfolio.
Warranty policy of DNS Solution:
- Warranty period and warranty conditions: in accordance with the regulations from the product manufacturer.
- Commit to renewal or free refund if the product’s quality is not according to the given specifications.
- The arising cases will be resolved through negotiation between the two parties under a signed contract on the basis of Vietnamese law.
- We do not provide warranty if you use the product incorrectly
For specific answers for each product, please contact the hotline 0986 042 188 or mail contactdnssolution@gmail.com or fill out the free registration form. We will advise specifically for each product.