About of AAR
The AAR’s Technical Services group of committees are responsible for the development, maintenance, and enforcement of North American railroad interchange rules, mechanical standards, and component specifications that promote an acceptable level of safety and efficiency. Users of these publications include North American Class I, shortline, and regional railroads, Federal Railroad Administration, Transport Canada Railway Safety Directorate, private railcar owners, shippers, and freight car, locomotive, and component suppliers. Committees members include railroad and non-railroad experts in the areas shown in the accompanying organization chart. These technical experts provide direction on the development and maintenance of industry standards. Committee Managers are located either at the AAR offices in Washington, D.C., or at the Transportation Technology Center, Inc., a subsidiary of the AAR located in Pueblo, Colorado, 21 miles northeast of Pueblo Airport.
Process for Obtaining AAR Approval for Railroad Components
- Ensure your company meets the requirements of being a supplier to North American Railroads.
- Obtain and Review AAR Publications
- Submit Application/Design and Obtain Approval
- Conduct Test, Obtain Test Approval (fee required)
- Obtain Facility Technical Approval (fee required)
- Obtain Facility QA Approval (fee required) (See QA Section of this document)
- Request Conditional Approval
- Request Unlimited Approval
In addition to the technical specifications that you may need to meet, you will need M-1003 (Quality Assurance) Certification.
The requirements and application for AAR Specification M-1003 can be found in Section J of the AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices.
Process for obtaining Quality Assurance approval, includes the following:
- Complete an application and send it to the AAR Quality Assurance Committee Manager.
- The Manager will assign an AAR Accredited Auditor; you should send a copy of your QA Manual (in English) to that Auditor.
- The AAR Auditor will schedule an audit of your facility at a time convenient to both of you, and request payment of audit fees, as mandated by Appendix E of the AAR Office Manual of Interchange Rules.
- After the audit takes place you must satisfactorily respond to any nonconformance resulting from the audit. The auditor will then send his recommendation for certification, along with a copy of the report, nonconformance items, and the nonconformance responses to the QA Committee for evaluation.
- After QA Committee Approval, Certification is granted.
- On an annual basis an Auditor will schedule and complete an audit of your facility to maintain your M-1003 Certification.
DNS SOLUTION provides AAR certified industrial support products. Contact HOTLINE: 0986 042 188 for advice.
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